Learning by Playing – A partnership with Club de Vela La Ballena Alegre Costa Brava

As part of the yearly Optimist Clinic and for The 2030 agenda Catalonia, we came together with the local organizers at Club de vela La Bellena Alegra, inviting the participants into a new modern approach for teaching sailing rules, tactics and strategy. Three subjects that can be hard to understand and learn for the kids in the Optimist Class.

By using Play eSailing as the engine, Pep Subirats and Thomas Bjørn-Lüthi invited the kids into a hands-on sessions. The kids learned rule 10, 11, 12, 13 in sailing, by mixing teory with intuitive learning, by playing the game.

Danger zones
Olympian sailor Cristina Pujol and 3x Optimist World Champion María Perello had a great discussion with the participants about danger zones in an Optimist race. It is the zones where you need to be extra alert on not getting a penalty, or be sharp to pressure you opponents to the best advances.

Quickly the participants understood the importance of the rules, danger zones and how to use them for attack and defence while sailing. All this was going to be used in the upcoming Play eSailing Camp Regatta.

Let’s play together, Let’s PlayeSailing
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